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chronic pain,
with acupuncture.
Acupuncture heals the roots of illness to produce lasting change. Insurance accepted.
What are the effects of acupuncture?
Reduction of Pain
Acupuncture triggers the release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters in the body. Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers.
Decreases Inflammation
Acupuncture modulates the activity of immune cells and cytokines-molecules involved in the immune response- to decrease inflammation of tissues.
Increases Blood Flow
Acupuncture improves blood circulation to inflamed areas, which helps to remove inflammatory substances and promote localized tissue healing.
How It Helps
What To Expect
Initial Visit
At your first visit we perform a complete health history and evaluation from a conventional and traditional medical standpoint. We identify your regions of pain and limitations with functional activities. We discuss your expected treatment outcome, answer questions and provide your initial treatment. A personalized treatment plan is written for your care.
Treatment Plan
You receive a personalized plan of care which outlines acupuncture treatment frequency, when to expect results, nutraceutical supplementation, dietary guidance, lifestyle and occupational suggestions, home care, and healthcare referrals as needed. Our integrative approach aims to maximize improvement with your condition.
Preventative Guidance
Once your recovery begins, we manage an ongoing preventative care plan to prevent pain from reoccurring, which may include: therapeutic exercise programs, physical therapy referral, herbal medicine prescriptions, lifestyle adjustments, and referrals to other healthcare providers. The preventative care plan is essential to maintaining your healing progress.
Follow these steps to find out if your plan covers acupuncture:
Booking an appointment will enroll you with our online patient portal. You will then receive an email with an electronic insurance intake form.
Insurance Intake Form
Complete the insurance intake form. We will then follow up with you via telephone to review your coverage details.
What To Expect
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